Dermaclara Beauty - Groundbreaking Rejuvenating Skincare That You Need to Know About
Dermaclara Beauty is a groundbreaking line of skincare that addresses both wrinkles and stretch marks using medical grade silicone patches and complementary skincare that smoothes, plumps, and prevents. Designed for both face and body, their clarafuse silicone patches utilize Silicone Fusion™ technology, and can be applied easily and discreetly. Clarafuse patches firm, plump, and erase wrinkles and stretch marks. Each patch is reusable up to 30 times.
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Dermaclara Beauty’s youth scientists explain how the use of medical grade silicone on skin to create a microclimate (called occlusion) that works to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Not only that, they discovered that using clarafuse silicone patches, users could delay or even prevent getting wrinkles in the first place! Gentle on the skin, clarafuse encourages hydration and the skin’s natural healing mechanism to effectively smooth, plump, and rejuvenate itself. The process also stimulates natural collagen production, which helps maintain results over time.
About the Dermaclara:
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Just like any other typical female, Elizabeth knows the struggle is real when it comes to aging … "Even if you're drop dead beautiful and you have one silly imperfection, that could be all you think about." It's normal to experience some anxiety when you know you're not getting any younger and start to see the signs of aging.
In the words of Elizabeth – aging sucks – but we have the power to make it suck less. Hitting 30 made her realize that she wanted to find the best solution to treat the few wrinkles she had and prevent new ones. All women should be able to feel beautiful at every age and be able to overcome the anxiety of getting wrinkles. Dermaclara Beauty was born because Elizabeth wanted women to know that you don’t need Botox to tell their wrinkles goodbye.
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Taking care of yourself should be at the core of always doing your best and that includes choosing a brand that reflects the same values. At Dermaclara Beauty, we want to empower women to gain their confidence back by reversing age-caused wrinkles and smoothing out their stretch marks, revealing the skin of their youth.
The full range of products can help you achieve finer, younger, and smoother skin. All Dermaclara Beauty products are chemical free, painless, non-invasive, and easy to use.
Dermaclara Beauty youth scientists discovered that the use of 100% medical grade silicone created a microclimate between the silicone patch and the skin. This microclimate, called occlusion, works to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks, and scars. Additionally, they discovered that by using clarafuse, Dermaclara Beauty's silicone beauty patches, women could delay or even prevent wrinkles from forming in the first place!
After conducting clinical studies on all skin tones, we are proud to present clarafuse, featuring 100% medical grade silicone that helps minimize stretch marks and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, without having to resort to surgery or injections. Keep your youth with Dermaclara Beauty.