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Killer Shrimp - Continues to Deliver Palatable Offerings

Killer Shrimp - Continues to Deliver Palatable Offerings

Killer Shrimp once again hits a home run and delivers even more goodness by offering a few more delectable savory bites that are hard to pass up.

Nestled off of the water in Marina Del Rey, Killer Shrimp, has been known for its unique flair on both seafood and meats alike. 

Recently they launched their daily specials that are packed with flavor without a hefty price tag, (see below pictures for details.)

If you're are lover of mac and cheese you MUST order the lobster Mac and cheese! It's packed with CHUNKS of fresh lobster and tons of cheese. Killer Shrimp delivers perfection to a dish many seem to mess up. The nice coating of cheese on top is a nice finish.

Decadent Lobster Mac n' Cheese - A Twist on a Favorite! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

Decadent Lobster Mac n' Cheese - A Twist on a Favorite! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

At first glance, many make the mistake of thinking Killer Shrimp is only known for its seafood. However, the establishment has proved they also handle meats quite nicely. One notable item was the slow braised beef short rib . It's very tender and savory and topped off with onion strips complete with sauteed spinach, mashed potatoes, with a few carrot chunks makes this item hard to pass on. 

Killer Shrimp Isn't ONLY Known For its Seafood! This Slow Braised Beef Short Rib is a MUST Try! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

Killer Shrimp Isn't ONLY Known For its Seafood! This Slow Braised Beef Short Rib is a MUST Try! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

The New York Cheesecake is the perfect ending to any meal. It's smooth and creamy with under tones of vanilla bean. 

This New York Cheesecake is The Perfect Ending to ANY Meal at Killer Shrimp! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

This New York Cheesecake is The Perfect Ending to ANY Meal at Killer Shrimp! Photo Courtesy of Killer Shrimp

There has always been something for everyone at Killer Shrimp and with the newly released combinations - its a no-brainer. From the veggie hot wings, slow braised beef short rib to the loads of lobster and crab offerings - Killer Shrimp is one that does not toy or neglect the taste buds.

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