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Pure Barre - Raising The Bar To The Total Body Workouts

Pure Barre Has Great Deals for Newbies - Be Sure to Check Them Out! Courtesy Photo

Pure Barre Has Great Deals for Newbies - Be Sure to Check Them Out! Courtesy Photo

Finding that perfect workout to fit your lifestyle is tough. Especially living in a 'perfect' city like Los Angeles where everyone seems to be in pristine shape and living by Queen Bey's mantra, 'I woke up like this'. Thankfully to Pure Barre I finally feel like my search has come to a conclusion. 

Courtesy Photo

Courtesy Photo

I have to admit, I was quite nervous to take on Pure Barre. Like most, I felt that if a workout actually 'works' it must be extremely difficult. However, Pure Barre is that silver lining. It's a workout that works and provides results but it won't leave you in agony. To kick off my journey to Pure Barre I prepped with getting on a regular juicing schedule with Suja! The juices are fresh without the hefty price tag of other juiceries. I felt that this was the best way for my body to receive vitamins and nutrients without all of the 'extra' and better yet, kickstart my fitness journey with Pure Barre.

The Workout is a Mix of Weights, Floor Core Work, and More. Courtesy Photo

The Workout is a Mix of Weights, Floor Core Work, and More. Courtesy Photo

Pure Barre goes back to the basics. Although each move may seem minimal the effects are lasting and you will be happy with the results. 

Pure Barre is a Total Body Workout. Courtesy Photo

Pure Barre is a Total Body Workout. Courtesy Photo

With each relevé and tuck I felt stronger and stronger, and not to mention more confident. I was noticing changes from my body that I have not seen with other workouts. My posture was improved. My body felt lengthened. With each class I,in a sense, felt clarity. Pure Barre is more than just a 55-minute workout for the physical appearance. It's a workout that will change you, change your habits, and like a reset button Pure Barre will guide you to your path. Whether that path is to change your appearance or refocus and balance your mind, body, and soul - Pure Barre is the one I will always pick.

Meet Me at The Bar! Courtesy Photo

Meet Me at The Bar! Courtesy Photo

Besides creating the perfect workout Pure Barre also creates a positive and 'safe' atmosphere. Trust me when I say, leave your worries at the door and meet me at the barre!

If you're interested in beginning your journey and would like to receive more tips regarding Pure Barre, feel free to drop us a line!

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