Many individuals may turn to getting a massage to ease stress and as a way to 'treat yourself' from the day to day hustle and bustle. Often overlooked, many people don't think about or address the damage that happens internally. Burke Williams has launched the new Ayruvedic treatments to heal the mind, body, AND spirit.
Using one of the oldest holistic healing systems, Ayruvedic is a treatment was developed thousands of years ago in India and is based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit.
Burke Williams will be offering three practices: Shirodhara, Anada, and Balancing bowl enhancement. Anada creates rhythmic, hydrating, and vitality while Balancing Bowl Enhancement strives to create balance by realigning and uplifting to create peace.
I had the chance to try the Shirodhara, which provided clarity. The treatment calms the nerves and creates a heightened sense of awareness, relaxation, and peace. Individuals will be placed on a heated massage bed while being massaged with warm herbal oil. At the end of the service a constant and gentle stream of oil poured over the third eye to create a profound state of happiness and mental clarity.
After receiving the treatment I immediately felt an array of emotions as if I were able to engage within my inner self and restore balance. It truly is a beautiful experience that is indescribable and unlike any other service offered.
When coming to Burke Williams each guest can enjoy all of the amenities of the spa such as the sauna, steam rooms, and meditation areas.
Book your day at the spa and enter into another world - a state of tranquility and rejuvenation.