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THIS European-Inspired Cafe NOW Has an Impressive Gelato Bar

THIS European-Inspired Cafe NOW Has an Impressive Gelato Bar

Haute Mess. LA, the European-style café that heralds all of our favorites from Europe, now has a gelato bar! Serving 12 various flavors, Haute Mess.LA is one to add on your list for your gelato-serving adventures.

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Gelato has quickly become one of the most talked about treats that we are buzzing about in LA! While gelato is served at all around town, no one quite does it right like Haute Mess.LA! The array of flavor is for both the simplistic and adventurous gelato consumer. With flavors like Lavender Poppyseed, Pistachio, Fig Mascarpone, and Saffron Rose – how can you say no?

The chic café has more than an amazing gelato, there is a full café with pastries, sandwiches, charcuterie and even goodies to take-home. The market will highlight an impressive list of over 150 wines from regions all over the world such as Spain, Sicily, France, Austria, Argentina, just to name a few.  It’s a neighborhood gem!

“I wanted to curate a special shopping experience where customers can buy a wide array of European goods, enjoy crafted sandwiches, sip on coffee and learn about imported wines” explains owner, Michael Simhai.

Many items are made in-house with the freshest ingredients from the farmers market! Pop on in when you get a chance, you won’t regret it!

7673 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, (323) 621-4556, HauteMess.LA



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KYLA Kombucha - A Hard Kombucha Worth Sipping

Flour & Branch - A Gourmet Cookie Company That Gives You ALL The Feels at First Bite

Flour & Branch - A Gourmet Cookie Company That Gives You ALL The Feels at First Bite