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LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival - Bombay Sapphire Gin Creates Innovative Elixers in Downtown Los Angeles

The Main Ingredient For The Evening - Bombay Sapphire East! Courtesy Photo

The Main Ingredient For The Evening - Bombay Sapphire East! Courtesy Photo

Who doesn't like to experience innovative and flavorful beverages inspired by China and Vietnam heritage dating back to 3,000 years? For one night only, Angelenos will revel in the majesty of the full moon while enjoying a field of innovative elixirs from the city’s finest drinking establishments. Using Bombay Sapphire Gin, guests were able to go on a journey with their tastebuds and see just how everyone paid homage to China and Vietnam while at the LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival.

One of the Many Cocktails of the Evening! Courtesy Photo

One of the Many Cocktails of the Evening! Courtesy Photo

“Each ingredient from the ‘Silk Journey’ is inspired by Asian Culture with a bold red color. This signature drink combines ingredients with great significance in Chinese culture while integrating popular ingredients in Western culture such as ginger beer," stated Bombay Sapphire North American Brand Ambassador Gary Hayward. "Pomegranates symbolize large families and health while mandarins are one of the luckiest fruits for the year. Lastly, Oolong Tea is a New Year’s Day staple for well wishes passed on by generation to generation. It’s drank by the eldest family member first, then onto the next eldest, and so forth.”

LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival! Courtesy Photo

LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival! Courtesy Photo

Many restaurants and bars took part in the festival by creating two different cocktails. Bars/Restaurants included: Bellwether, Blue Ribbon Sushi, ETA, General Lee’s Cocktail House, Lock & Key, Minibar Hollywood, The Cannibal, and Roku. Some participants created an interesting twist on classics such as the Bombay Sapphire East (infused with Thai lemongrass and Vietnamese black peppercorns), while others created a wide variety such as a 'fortune cookie' inspired cocktail.

There Wasn't a Shortage of Creativity at the LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival. Courtesy Photo 

There Wasn't a Shortage of Creativity at the LuckyRice Harvest Moon Festival. Courtesy Photo 

Square Donut Ice Cream was also a huge hit over the night. They created their sea salt caramel popcorn and strawberry special for guests to enjoy!

Pour it Up, Pour it Up! Courtesy Photo

Pour it Up, Pour it Up! Courtesy Photo

Founded by Danielle Chang, the Harvest Moon Festival was held at the Alexandria Ballrooms in downtown Los Angeles. Bringing chefs and mixologists' innovations to the forefront this year provided the perfect scenario for expanding your taste buds.

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