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Robin McGraw - Cheers to 39 Years

Many of us know Robin McGraw as a regular contributor and vital asset on the Dr. Phil television show since its inception and for founding The Dr. Phil Foundation. However, she is a  woman of many trades! Philanthropist, entrepreneur, television personality, and two-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, Robin McGraw is at it again!

In addition to her latest post, McGraw stays busy with her own charitable foundation, When Georgia Smiled, which launched October of 2013. Robin set out to enact real change by creating and advancing programs that help victims of domestic violence and sexual assault live healthy, safe and joy-filled lives. 

Always inspired to showcase a better side of life Robin has set the path. Committed to her mission to inspire women in everything they do, McGraw has recently launched a video paying homage to 'love'. Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw have been happily married for 39 years today! The video, which shows McGraw painting an original piece of artwork to Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out Loud", has been shared across the globe and has already garnished major attention. The video ends with a cute image of Robin signing "Mrs. Phillip McGraw", while wearing her actual wedding veil.

Cheers to 39 years Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw! #DrPhilAndRobin39

Coachella Event Recap - The Festival Isn't The Only Ticket You Want

Life Is Beautiful Single Day Tickets Available on Thursday

Life Is Beautiful Single Day Tickets Available on Thursday