Jamie Rosen, CEO and Founder of Dr. Dabber Dishes on The Latest Creations in Cannabis
While many companies are struggling during the pandemic, Dr. Dabber, an award winning developer and retailer of smoking and vape accessories, has many exciting projects they are working on!
Jamie Rosen, CEO and Founder of Dr. Dabber Dishes on The Latest Creations in Cannabis. Courtesy Photo
“Operating in the cannabis industry has always posed its own obstacles,” acknowledged Jamie Rosen, CEO and founder of Dr. Dabber. “We view this as just another obstacle to overcome. We are fortunate enough to be able to work remotely during this time, with minimal impact to our business.”
With COVID-19, Rosen believes transparency is key. “The pandemic significantly impacted our suppliers early last year, prohibiting them from being able to manufacture for some time. As soon as our suppliers were allowed to be operational, we were able to get our orders on top of their lists due to our great communication and relationships with them. During this hiccup, we were open with our customers about how our inventory and shipping times may be affected.
Happily, Rosen has seen a significant increase in revenue since quarantine began around early March of last year.
“We attribute this increase in sales to the fact that in recent years, the Cannabis industry has grown to be essential for many people,” he noted. “With quarantining comes stress, boredom, and an excess amount of free time.”
The company is hosting their first ever glass blowing competition, the Dr. Dabber Glass Games. “With so much attention surrounding our latest eRig, the Boost EVO portable dab rig, we figured, what better a time than now to hold a glass blowing competition in an effort to find some of the best designs in the industry,” enthused Rosen. “So we’ve embarked on a mission to capture the headiest glass attachment for the Boost EVO and have the public vote for the winner.”
The company is accepting submissions globally for custom glass artwork designed for their newest eRig, the Boost EVO. Submissions are open from April 2nd until June 1st, at which point public voting will begin.
“We wanted this competition to be accessible by everyone–it doesn’t matter if you’re a well known artist in the glassblowing community or just starting out with a small following,” said Rosen. “Literally anyone can enter to win and we’re even offering a discount code with an exclusive Glass Games price for verified glassblowers.”
Courtesy Photo
Also, the newest addition to Dr. Dabber’s latest products is the Limited Edition SWITCH series: check out their Slime Green & Skunk Purple editions.
“People need our products now, more than ever, to safely medicate from the comfort of their own homes and products like the Dr. Dabber SWITCH are the perfect vaporizer for quarantining, due to many features such as self-cleaning mode, rapid heat-up time, and outstanding battery life,” added Rosen.
The SWITCH uses Dr. Dabber’s award-winning technology to give customers the most unique dabbing experience. It comes with limited-edition accessories, including a newly designed carb cap and anodized dab tool combo. Additionally, Dr. Dabber provides customers with a 2-year warranty.
For more information and to submit your application, check out this link! https://www.drdabber.com/pages/glassgames