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Oh Baby Boxes - A Chic Subscription Box Catered For Expecting Mothers

Oh Baby Boxes - A Chic Subscription Box Catered For Expecting Mothers


Have you ever been to a baby shower and you didn't know what exactly to get the mom-to-be? We have all been there! Of course, diapers and wipes are a must, but what about originality?! How do you come up with the absolute best out of the box gift?! Worry no more - the Oh Baby Box has got you covered! Formulated to fit the various stages of pregnancy as well as helping with postpartum, this box is literally perfect! We got a moment to speak with Ting-Ting Jiang, CEO and founder of Oh Baby Box about his creation and just how special each and every box is! 


IdentifyLA:  What sparked the idea to develop the Oh Baby Box?

Ting-Ting Jiang: Oh Baby Boxes was born out of a desire to nourish expecting mamas & to help ease the numerous transitions between pregnancy + postpartum. As a busy mom, I am extremely passionate about self love and self care and wholeheartedly believe that we cannot pour from an empty glass. It's what sparked the idea for my first business- TheraBox, a self care subscription box for women. I realized many of our members were getting pregnant and could not use a lot of the products in the TheraBox due to pregnancy sensitivities (i.e., to certain essential oils, smells, teas, etc) which sparked the idea for Oh Baby Boxes. I wanted to create something that nourishes women during one of the most phenomenal (and often difficult) period of their lives. We all know this journey is beautiful & filled with wonder (most of the time)- but let's be real. Creating a human with our bare bodies can be incredibly hard on the mind, body & soul. Our goal is to nourish you, so that you can continue to create and care for your incredible little human(s) as effortlessly as possible. Each product included in our box is extensively researched, tested, and vetted by our team & mommies for efficacy and safety. Caring for expecting mothers during every stage of pregnancy & beyond is our #1 priority, and we are honored to curate these special boxes of love for you!


IDLA: With the subscription box craze going on, did you feel motherhood was a market that was untouched? How so?

TTJ: There is a subscription box for almost every single thing/niche imaginable, and motherhood is no exception to the craze. However, we did feel that the subscription services that was being offered to consumers was mediocre at best and not customized enough to fit the ever changing symptoms and stages of pregnancy. It's why we decided to launch Oh Baby Boxes- we wanted to really bring value and customization to our subscribers with every box.

IDLA: How did you decide what to include for each phase?

TTJ: Through personal experience as a mama, as well as extensive product research, product testing, collaboration, and input from other mamas! We tailor each box according to our mom's due date, and include things that are trimester specific. For example, a mama receiving the first trimester box can expect things that can help ease morning sickness, while a third trimester box may have more things that prepare the mama for birth and after birth. There are also universal items such as mama gear (shirts, caps, etc) and even the option of opting in for matching dad gear!


IDLA: What is the message you'd like to spread to new moms with the Oh Baby Box?

TTJ: “Remember: Under 2 years, playdates aren’t for them, they’re for you.” - I saw this anonymous quote somewhere before, and chuckled at how true this is. As new moms, we want to give our children every possible thing we can give- often depleting ourselves and leading to burnout in the process. Truth is, a lot of the things we think they need, they might not really need. At under 2 years old, a playdate = your babystealing everyone's toys or drooling over them all. Take it easy and be gentle with yourself. Love yourself, pamper yourself, and treat yourself. Motherhood is hard, you deserve to nourish yourself every single day, multiple times a day!

IDLA: Please provide a quote on why you think this subscription is essential. 

TTJ: Custom tailored to each mama's due date and filled with carefully researched pregnancy safe essentials- Oh Baby Boxes is the holy grail of pregnancy products and includes just about everything you need for any stage of pregnancy! Each box aims to treat expecting mamas to a month's worth of pampering & relaxation! Best of all, we've done the research to get you the latest & best pregnancy products so that you don't have to! After birth, we'll automatically begin sending you postpartum self care boxes to ease your transition. 

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