Laurent Colasse Interview - Resqme Offers Safety at Your Fingertips
In this day and age we are always on the go which means we spend a substantial amount of time in the car. With crime on the rise and the increased amount of drivers on the road feeling safe and secure may feel intangible and a thing of the past. Thanks to Resqme, a light weight line of car escape tools, you will have safety right at your fingertips.
We had a chance to catch up with Resqme creator Laurent Colasse and learn about the benefits and impact of the products!
The following has been edited for continuity purposes:
Q: When you created resqme, did you imagine it wouldhave as much impact as it does?
I honestly thought that resqme would have had a quicker impact. But instead it took a while, as it was hard for most people to imagine that such a small tool could really break a car window glass. So it took a good ten years before seeing an interesting impact.
Q: What has been the feedback?
The feedback has been awesome. People keep thanking us for making such great safety tool. The best ones come from testimonials sharing on how the resqme tool has helped save themselves or even help them rescue kids or people trapped inside a vehicle when seconds counted…
Q: You've won many awards for your product, how does that make you feel?
It is appreciated and I am very honored to recognize such simple solution to be an ingenious invention.
Q: I know Resqme was available to emergency fields in 2002, but wasn't availableto consumers until later on. When was the change implemented and what was the reasoning behind the change?
Indeed, the resqme tool was first introduced to the first responders, then to the corporate market so that companies could reflect their commitment to safety by giving away the resqme tool with their imprinted logo. Then it finally became available to the general public. The main reasons were to build enough background and references so that the general public could trust the resqme brand with its powerful & efficiency functions.
Q: Why do you think Resqme is beneficial (can you also give us a quote to use )?
Life is precious and can hang by a thread; indeed we never know what tomorrowwill bring us… so resqme is really a peace of mind for every motorists and for any caring parents: resqme is “a gift for life!™” Make safety your priority is our new tag line and hopefully altogether we can help save more lives…
Q: What makes resqme different from other products that are similar?
The resqme tool is built to work when you need it the most. People can trust this brand tool as first responders have been using for almost 15 years now. It has been saving many lives each year since 2002. The resqme tool is certified and made in USA.
Q: What is your latest product? Has it won any awards lately?
Our latest product is the resqhammer™ that was introduced late October 2015 in the market place. Its ergonomic and sleek design make this emergency hammer very attractive. And resqhammer has already won an award at AAPEX 2015 SHOW as the best safety product early November 2015.
Prices vary from $10.00-$40.00 Resqme is definitely a must have!